Do Promotional Codes & Coupons Work?
We'll let you decide. Have a read of the stats below.
Did you know? Merchants with an active discount code are 8 times more likely to make a sale. Interesting!
- 17% of transactions in the past year, used a discount or coupon code.
- About 93% of Shoppers Use a Coupon or Discount Code Throughout the Year.
- 53% of adults living in high-income households (earning $200K+ a year or more) are willing to switch brands for the sake of using a coupon.
- Half, report that they “always” look for sales or promos before buying online. In fact, nearly 70% said they couldn’t complete a purchase without first searching for a deal. And almost all (88%) will try a new retailer or brand because they’ve found an offer.
- 94% of consumers said they search for special offers when shopping online and 48% said they search for deals before they start shopping and often decide what to buy based on the offers they find
- 64% of Millennials search for coupons on their smartphones
- 55% of Millennials use their computers to look for coupons and discounts.
- 78% of consumers are influenced to buy a brand they wouldn’t typically buy due to a coupon.
- 33% of Millennials, 25% of Generation Xers and 17% of Baby Boomers used mobile coupons in 2016.
Sell Your Discount Codes Through vouchOff Today!