Money Back Guarantee.

You may cancel your purchase of on vouchOff within 28 days from the date of purchase, providing you have not already redeemed some or all of your Voucher with the Shop during this period. A Voucher is redeemed with the Shop if you have spent some or all of the Voucher.

We refund the price that you paid to vouchOff for the Voucher.

Outside of the 28 day period or 42 days after a purchase is made using vouchOff, we provide a refund if goods are faulty, do not match their description or services provided by the Shop are not provided to a reasonable standard.

If you purchase Vouchers from a Shop that closes down, or the Shop does not honour your Voucher, we offer a full refund on the amount you paid for the Voucher within the 28 day period.

  • Get 5% Loyalty Points back on all purchases.

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